Best PPC Automation Tools for Boosting Your Marketing Strategy

In the world of digital marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) has become an increasingly valuable tool.

The way marketers use PPC is constantly evolving, and in an online world that’s becoming more and more competitive, staying ahead of the curve is essential.

Getting the most from PPC can take up a significant part of a marketer’s budget as the pressure to attract new customers builds.

Being able to use PPC effectively while getting the most out of your budget is essential for marketing success.

And that’s where automation comes in.

Using AI tools, marketers can make PPC campaign management easy, taking care of the basics to help you achieve better results, and free up your time.

Want to know more about the best PPC automation tools for marketers?

Take a look at our breakdown and get ready to make your PPC ads better, smarter and more cost-effective for your business.

PPC automation tools

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What are PPC automation tools?

Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns are a type of online marketing campaign that charges advertisers a fee each time a person clicks on their ad.

PPC automation tools are innovative software applications that can optimize your PPC advertising campaigns across different search engines such as Google and Bing.

These tools help save time by speeding up processes and use AI and machine learning to automate processes including keyword research, bid management, ad creation and campaign optimization.

Using PPC automation tools to support your campaigns can help you save time and resources, while also helping you improve PPC campaigns performance.

These tools are widely available online and include free-to-use versions that make them useful and accessible tools for businesses and organizations of all sizes.

Using PPC automation tools can save you time by automating simple processes.

For example, you can use AI tools to generate the latest keywords being used by those searching for your product and service, helping you save time researching while benefiting from the latest keywords available.

Making smart use of PPC automation could help you improve the performance of your campaigns while giving you the space to focus on other priorities.

How do PPC automation tools differ from other PPC management tools?

There are many PPC management tools designed to help marketers execute their PPC ad campaigns.

These tools help with tasks including keyword research, ad creation and campaign tracking. PPC management tools require manual input to generate results.

PPC automation tools, on the other hand, use machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to carry out these tasks automatically, optimizing your campaigns to improve their performance.

This can save a lot of time and money, something which is vital for the modern marketer.

What are some of the benefits of PPC automation tools?

  1. They help manage your campaigns more effectively, saving you time to help you focus on the more creative elements of your marketing efforts.
  2. They can improve performance through automated bid management and ad placement, helping to improve your ROI without additional effort.
  3. They help you run additional ads without investing more time and resources, making your smart campaigns more efficient.

Suggested PPC automation tools

Ads Audience Builder

Optimo’s Ads Audience Builder provides a simple way for marketers to identify audiences to target based on their interests.

All marketers need to do is to describe/input their niche or industry, and the Ads Audience Builder will provide a list of relevant interests suitable for targeting.

The example below uses ‘gluten-free bakery’ as the niche, generating 10 potential audience interests to target:

This can save a considerable amount of time researching audiences and generating a list that can be used for your ads across multiple platforms

Ads Audience Builder

Keyword Research

Keyword research can be time-consuming for marketers.

Especially when relevant keywords keep changing and evolving.

To help you stay ahead of the game, Optimo’s Keyword Research can help you generate relevant, up-to-date keywords in just under 10 seconds.

No more time wasted spent pouring over SEO keywords, this tool makes light work of keyword research, allowing you to free up time for your other marketing tasks.

Keyword Research

Keyword Intent

Understanding the intent of your audience can help you enhance your keywords for more targeted, relevant PPC campaigns.

Using Optimo’s Keyword Intent tool helps you think about the key reasons behind a user’s search query, allowing you to tailor your content to enhance that user journey.

Keyword Intent

Match Type Generator

A Match Type Generator helps take away some of the guesswork in determining the most relevant broad, phrase and exact match keywords for your campaign.

The more keywords you put into Optimo’s Match Type Generator, the more you get out of it, allowing you to save time building a comprehensive list of keyword variations you can use to create a more effective campaign.

Match Type Generator

Google Ad Copy

When you’re running multiple Google Ads, your creative juices can start to run dry.

Fortunately, Optimo’s Google Ad Copy is a useful tool to help you generate creative, relevant ad copy to build smart campaigns.

Generate copy for multiple PPC campaigns in just a couple of clicks, saving you time and helping you get those creative juices flowing once again.

Google Ad Copy

Ad data reporting and integration

Data reporting is a necessary, but often frustrating part of a marketer’s role.

Compiling reports for multiple PPC campaigns can take up a lot of time between gathering the data and transforming it into something digestible.

Using integrated automated data reporting tools can perform a lot of the leg work, saving you time on this core PPC management task.

Some of the best ad data reporting and integration tools include Funnel, Swydo and Reporting Ninja.

Bid management

A bid management tool can help you streamline your campaigns to improve your ROI.

Using AI, a bid management tool can monitor keyword performance, adjusting bids automatically.

Bid management tools can perform several functions, ultimately saving you money on your campaigns by ensuring the budget isn’t wasted on underperforming keywords.

There are several bid management tools on the market, including Google Smart Bidding, and Skai.

Campaign optimization

Using a campaign optimization tool can be beneficial for PPC marketers looking to get the most out of their campaigns.

Using machine learning, PPC campaign optimization tools can adjust campaigns to help improve their performance.

This can include ad testing and creative optimization, adjusting campaigns to help ensure they deliver continued ROI.

Through automated monitoring and optimization, PPC marketers can save time and reduce the risk of errors that can prove costly to businesses.

Activity alerts

Activity monitoring isn’t always possible for small marketing teams, whose efforts are focused on strategy and producing content.

Automated activity alerts tools monitor performance to alert marketers to changes in budget spend, keyword performance, ad performance and even competitor changes.

These alerts allow a marketer to adjust their tactics quickly, preventing losses and ensuring budgets are being used to generate their maximum ROI.

Recommended activity alert tools include Google Ads automated alerts and The Search Monitor.

How to use PPC automation tools for Google Ads campaigns

If you’re thinking of using PPC automation tools for Google Ads campaigns, Bing campaigns and any other type of paid search campaigns.

There are some steps you should follow to help you get the most out of your chosen tools, including:

  1. Set your campaign objectives. Define the main aims and KPIs of your campaign.
  2. Explore relevant PPC tools to help you with your campaign. As seen above, there are multiple tools for you to choose from, and not all will be relevant to your campaign.
  3. Create your campaigns using the information generated from your PPC tools.
  4. Monitor your campaign’s performance. Your PPC automation tools should be monitored to ensure continued success with your campaign. The insights provided by the tools can help you make the necessary adjustments to ensure your campaign remains optimized. If you choose to use a campaign optimization or bid management tool, optimization can be automated to help you save time.

Key PPC automation stats

It’s hard to ignore the impact of PPC automation tools to create campaigns and boost PPC marketing performance.

According to The State of PPC 2022 Global Report, automation is being adopted by high volumes of PPC managers.

As many as 95% of survey respondents have adopted smart bidding, while 78% of respondents have used Auto-applied Recommendations.

HubSpot’s State of Marketing 2021 report claims that 76% of companies report using automation, highlighting the growing use of automation to help stay competitive.

Automation in PPC advertising can help marketers improve the performance of their campaigns to keep up with changing trends and growing competition.

Those who are using marketing automation tools report a 14.2% rise in sales productivity, in addition to a 12.2% drop in marketing expenses.

Other research shows 35% of marketers claim that automation helps provide better data and decision-making, and 33% state it enables better use of budget.

The best PPC automation tools can help save time and improve ROI, with free tools, in particular, able to provide excellent value to marketers of all business sizes.

And it’s not just surveys that are reporting the benefits of PPC automation tools. Real-life marketers are also spreading the word about the benefits of using marketing automation for PPC campaigns and more:




Tips for getting the most out of automation tools for PPC campaigns

Monitor your campaign performance

While PPC tools can automate many processes on your behalf, saving time and effort, they still require monitoring to help ensure success.

Monitoring the performance of your campaigns can help you analyze the performance of various automation tools, helping you make data-based decisions to improve future campaigns.

Conduct testing to help you optimize your campaigns

Most marketers adopt testing to help optimize their campaigns.

A/B testing is possible with some PPC automation tools, but you may also want to conduct your own testing to analyze the performance of your automated outputs versus non-automated outputs.

Continued testing can provide some valuable insights into whether automation is right for you.

Take advantage of free tools

While there are several feature-packed automation tools on the market, there are also some incredible free tools that can help marketers get tasks done.

Optimo is a free AI-powered marketing tool that can provide keyword research, Google Ad copy, social media post ideas and more to help save time and provide creative solutions for many everyday marketing tasks.

Read up on the latest marketing automation trends

Marketing automation is constantly evolving, with new tools being developed all the time.

By staying up-to-date on the latest marketing automation trends, you can be among the first to try the latest tools and get ahead of your competition.

Trust your gut

Remember that AI and automation aren’t always perfect, and they may not always make the right recommendations for your needs.

Maintain a critical eye and trust your gut to make changes or question things that don’t look right.

Two brains are better than one, so don’t stop using yours!

Explore the best PPC automation tools for yourself

PPC automation tools have a number of amazing benefits.

They can help you save time, improve campaign effectiveness and generate incredible ROI for your business.

PPC tools can make light work of everyday PPC tasks including bid management, campaign optimization and keyword research, helping you boost your campaign performance and allow more time to focus on the bigger picture.

Optimo features multiple free AI-powered tools to improve your PPC advertising and help you work smarter, not harder.

Explore our full range of AI marketing tools and see how they can help you achieve marketing success.

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