The 5 Best AI Tools For SEO In 2023

Getting SEO right can yield tremendous benefits. Companies that succeed in search engine optimization can expect more organic traffic, higher search rankings, and increased sales.

Data backs this up.

For instance, 57 percent of B2B marketers agree that SEO generates more leads than any other initiative, according to Hubspot research.

Furthermore, 92 percent of consumers will pick a business on the first page of local search results.

But there’s a problem. Getting SEO right is challenging.

It’s technical, labor-intensive, and time-consuming. It can take months or even years to perfect.

Fortunately, a new crop of AI-powered SEO tools, like Optimo, is riding to the rescue.

These provide massive assistance whether you’re writing content, doing keyword research, repurposing old blogs, or wanting to target keywords.

It’s semi-miraculous.

This post introduces the best AI SEO tools on the market today.

We explore their stunning capabilities and how they can transform your marketing processes.

So what are you waiting for?

Read on to discover how they can help save you hours of grunt work every week.

What Are AI SEO Tools?

AI SEO tools are software applications that use artificial intelligence to help website owners optimize their content for search engines.

These tools can analyze various aspects of a website, such as content, keywords, and user behavior, and provide insights and recommendations on improving organic search performance.

AI SEO tools can also help identify backlink opportunities, track keyword rankings, and monitor competitors’ SEO strategies.

By leveraging the power of AI, website owners can achieve higher search engine rankings, more traffic, and better engagement with their audience.

How Do AI SEO Tools Differ From Conventional SEO Tools?

Conventional SEO tools were helpful, but they required specialist SEO software knowledge.

Developers made their apps as user-friendly as possible but often bumped up against hard limits due to the complexity of tasks.

That’s not the case for AI search engines and engine optimization tools.

These rely on natural language processing, meaning they can understand your instructions similarly to humans.

Just tell them what you want them to do in plain English, and they will oblige.

Optimo’s AI SEO tools can generate posts and articles for you, not just provide content optimization services or SERP analysis.

And it can make intelligent suggestions based on detailed instructions to assist your SEO efforts in seconds.

You don’t have to wait.

The Benefits Of Using AI SEO Software Tools

The power of artificial intelligence SEO tools is extraordinary. (And, for many marketers, it seems like it came out of nowhere!)

Therefore, the benefits are also extreme – as you might expect from any revolutionary new technology.

Here’s what you can expect when you start using these tools.

  • Analyze massive amounts of data. AI tools can provide valuable insights and recommendations to support your content or keyword strategies. The best AI SEO software takes account of multiple factors, including target keywords, user intent, internal links, and your other online marketing efforts.
  • Automate tedious and repetitive tasks. AI-powered search engine optimization also makes optimizing content, building web pages, and creating content briefs automatic. With Optimo, you type your instructions into the box, and it’ll spit back content calendars, meta descriptions, and AI-generated content instantly.
  • Enhance creativity and innovation. You could be skeptical of this benefit if you used an AI writing tool in the past. However, today’s best SEO software can generate high-quality content that drives search traffic and engages your target audience. AI SEO software tools leverage natural language processing (NLP) and natural language generation (NLG) to create content optimized for search engines. Some, like Optimo, also have an extremely advanced technology called natural language understanding (NLU) which can analyze sentiment and search intent, tailoring content accordingly.

The Top 5 Best AI SEO Tools

So what are the top five AI SEO tools on the market today? Here’s a rundown.

1. Optimo Keyword Research

All good SEO campaigns begin with comprehensive keyword research.

That’s why Optimo offers a free keyword research SEO tool.

The way it works is easy.

Enter a seed or target keyword, and the tool will generate twenty semantically-related phrases.

Check out the following example of a pizza restaurant doing local keyword research:

Optimo Keyword Research

All we’ve done here is enter a keyword we know already, and Optimo has provided a list of additional suggestions to automate the keyword research process.

Optimo also has another keyword research tool for discovering user intent.

You can enter up to 100 keywords, and it’ll create a table showing you the user intent next to each keyword you include.

Here’s what happens when you use the keyword suggestions from the previous pizza restaurant example:

Optimo Keyword Intent

You can see how Optimo’s SEO tool has interpreted each keyword and provided a detailed description of what users want. (Most software tools, including Google Analytics, do not offer the same level of detail).

It means you can quickly identify the keywords to target on-page optimization, speeding up content optimization and accelerating your social media marketing efforts.

Lastly, Optimo offers a keyword clustering tool.

This handy software helps you improve SEO rankings by grouping keywords into categories.

Using a keyword cluster tool lets you optimize your website’s ranking for multiple keywords that target the same topic, improve your relevance and authority, and increase your organic traffic and conversions.

Copy and paste your list of keywords, and it’ll tell you how they cluster in seconds.

Here’s an example using the keywords generated for our hypothetical pizza restaurant:

Optimo Keyword Cluster

2. Optimo Link Building Ideas

Fifty-two percent of digital marketers say link building is the hardest part of SEO.

Fortunately, Optimo’s free Link Building Ideas tool can help. Just provide it with instructions written in plain English, and it’ll give you ten link-building ideas in seconds.

What’s cool about Optimo is its use of artificial intelligence.

Its natural language processing abilities mean you can describe the website you’re building links to in plain English, and it’ll provide plausible suggestions to get you started.

Here’s the response Optimo gave us for our hypothetical pizza restaurant example:

Optimo Link Building Ideas

As you can see, Optimo isn’t just churning out someone else’s content strategy.

Instead, the AI SEO tool uses the provided contextual information to generate something unique.

It understands what a pizza restaurant is and which link strategies make the most sense to gain more organic traffic for the vertical.

3. Optimo’s Blog Post Generator

Optimo offers full-blown content creation that goes well beyond the abilities of regular content optimization tools.

The AI writing tool lets you create your website’s content in seconds, saving you hours.

For instance, suppose our hypothetical pizza restaurant wanted to write a blog on different types of pizza toppings.

With Optimo, you can simply describe what you want the AI SEO tool to write about, and it’ll do everything else for you.

Optimo's Blog Post Generator

You can also use Optimo to write blog post intros (if you have a bad case of writer’s block), blog post briefs for your writers, and blog post titles (which are always tricky to think up on the spot).

For instance, let’s suppose our pizza restaurant is struggling to generate compelling titles for blog posts on pizza toppings.

With Optimo, the owner just describes the blog post they want to write in the box provided.

Then, the AI SEO Tool will generate ten creative titles designed for ranking higher on search engine results pages.

Here’s an example:

Optimo's Blog Post title

It’s almost like a professional wrote them!

Optimo’s AI SEO tool also offers a cool feature that lets you create FAQ pages for users and search engines – a critical part of any SEO strategy.

Describe any topic you want, and the SEO software will automatically generate five topic-related FAQs.

Here’s what happens when you type in “pizza in New York:

Optimo's Blog Post FAQs

Then, copy and paste it onto your website to automate your content creation process. It takes seconds!

4. Optimo’s SEO Title And Meta Descriptions Tool

Generating great SEO titles and meta descriptions can influence search engine rankings tremendously.

That’s because they are the first things users see on SERPs when searching online.

Therefore, it is an essential element of any SEO content strategy.

Fortunately, Optimo’s artificial intelligence helps by speeding up your SEO efforts.

The tool can write SEO titles and meta descriptions in seconds, letting you deliver content regularly to your target audience.

How does it work? Just describe the page’s theme, and the AI tool will develop an SEO title and meta description for you instantly.

Here’s how our New York pizza restaurant could benefit from Optimo’s SEO Title and Meta Description tool:

Optimo's SEO Title And Meta Descriptions Tool

Again, Optimo’s intelligent SEO software creates relevant content based on the information entered into the box.

Everything’s included, from the ability to pay online, to the range of delicious pizza flavors available.

5. Surfer SEO Keyword Optimization

Lastly, Surfer SEO is a powerful SEO content optimization tool.

It analyzes the top-ranking pages for your target keyword and suggests how to improve your content based on various on-page factors.

Benefits include a user-friendly interface, comprehensive guidance on creating quality blog content, and the ability to perform complex site audits in minutes.

Note that Surfer SEO’s primary function is to ensure your posts and pages have sufficient keyword density – that is, enough mentions of keywords for better search engine rankings.

The software’s AI tools beyond that are limited.

Unlike Optimo, Surfer SEO does not perform other SEO tasks for you, such as writing content.

It is mainly for on-page optimization once your ideas are mature.

It also has limited information-gathering abilities, which is another reason why Optimo is so useful.

Tips For Using AI SEO Tools

The best AI SEO software tools are considerably more capable than most marketers recognize.

As we have seen, key AI SEO features include the ability to optimize content, write blog posts, develop tailored linking strategies, and automate content creation from scratch.

Optimo can do practically everything for you, streamlining your workflow tremendously.

However, using these tools still requires following best practices.

Here are some tips:

  • Choose the right SEO tools for your needs. Optimo has dozens of tools for everything, from writing HARO pitches to searching for long-tail keywords. (We didn’t mention all the options here, so you’ll want to explore them yourself). Each tool receives specific training, letting it provide more in-depth and comprehensive responses to instructions. Just find the one you need for your current SEO optimization task to speed it up a hundred-fold.
  • Leverage Google Analytics data. Don’t use AI SEO tools blindly. Ensure you base some of your inputs on real-world data to get the best results. We suggest logging into your Google Search Console, opening Analytics, and gathering real-world data. You can then include this in Optimo and Surfer SEO instructions.
  • Don’t Replace Human Input Entirely. While the best AI SEO tools can speed up your marketing efforts, they can’t eliminate the need for human judgment and creativity. Therefore, review suggestions to ensure they align with your brand voice, target audience, and business objectives.
  • Stay up to date with the latest trends. Just as software in the past, AI-powered SEO tools are evolving. Therefore, you’ll want to stay up-to-date with the latest developments to see how they can assist your SEO strategy. Learning new techniques could help you get more done and boost your brand.

SEO guru Neil Patel has some sage advice for anyone considering using AI- or human-written content:

It’s about quality, not what or who wrote it.

Now You’re Ready To Start Using Your First AI SEO Tool

By now, you should feel confident adding AI SEO tools to your SEO strategy.

These can radically reduce time spent researching keywords, writing blog content, optimizing your web pages, and crafting social media posts.

Ultimately, this approach makes finding relevant keywords easier, boosts your website’s ranking, accelerates conversions, and reduces costs.

Optimo offers an enormous selection of AI tools to help you reach these goals.

These can create content, analyze search intent, and find and group keywords rapidly.

So, what are you waiting for?

Start using the best AI SEO tools today and see how they could enhance your workflow and help you provide more value to clients.

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