What Is AI? A Quickstart Guide To AI In 2023

  • May 16, 2023

  • AI

The term artificial intelligence has been getting a lot of attention in recent months and is increasingly featured in our everyday lives.

But does artificial intelligence live up to its hype, will it really replace humans, and can it benefit your business?

Artificial intelligence AI and its growing popularity certainly raise a lot of questions.

Here we will dive deeper into AI and explain everything you need to know.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

So, you’ve heard a lot about artificial intelligence AI and may be wondering whether it could help you and your business.

But, you may be less sure how it works and what AI actually is.

Artificial intelligence AI is a computer science discipline that involves machines completing tasks that usually require human intelligence and, in some areas, exceed the parameters of human intelligence.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI, the Imitation Game, and Where It All Began

With all the noise surrounding AI programs such as Chat GPT, you would be forgiven for thinking that artificial intelligence is a new concept.

However, the origins of AI date back much further.

In fact, AI was the subject of much discussion in the last century among researchers, notably Alan Turing.

Turing asked the question, “can machines think?” and explored this concept in his paper, Computer Machinery and Intelligence, in 1950.

Essentially, Turing’s early AI research explored whether machines can do what we, as humans with the capacity for thought, can do.

To test this theory, Turing created a version of a popular party game, the imitation game.

The game, later known as the Turing Test, involves three players.

One player is a computer, the second is a human, and the third is a human interrogator.

All players are located in separate rooms, and all answers are typed.

Based on the players’ answers, the interrogator must decide if they are human or computer.

If the interrogator cannot correctly distinguish human text from computer-generated text, the computer is found to have passed the Turing Test.

Crucially, the Turing Test is not about the computer getting the answers right.

Instead, passing the test is about providing human-like answers.

Variations of the Turing Test are still in use today, and it continues to be challenging for modern AI systems to pass.

For computer scientists, developing AI systems that achieve the same capabilities as the human mind without detection is not easy.

It wasn’t until 2014 that the Turing Test was passed for the first time by a chatbot named Eugene Goostman, developed by a team at the University of Reading.

So, how does AI work, and how does it replicate human thought patterns?

How Does AI Work?

Artificial intelligence relies on large quantities of training data, which it analyzes to identify patterns.

After establishing patterns in the data, the AI system can then use these for future decision-making.

Based on the patterns found in the new data, the AI system can create its own set of rules, known as AI algorithms.

These rules translate as instructions that take the system through a task step-by-step.

The system can then use reasoning to select the most appropriate AI algorithms for each task to achieve the correct outcome.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

There are four types of artificial intelligence.

Each of these varies in its complexity and AI capabilities.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

Reactive Machines

Reactive machines exist at the simplest level of artificial intelligence solutions and are used to perform basic artificial intelligence applications.

Reactive machines cannot learn new actions.

Examples of AI tools that use reactive artificial intelligence include the IBM ® Deep Blue ® computer.

This IBM computer famously beat the world chess champion in a match in 1997 that lasted for several days.

Aside from competing against a world chess champion, reactive artificial intelligence is used for many more purposes in daily life.

Everyday examples of reactive artificial intelligence include Netflix program recommendations and spam filters that stop your inbox from becoming clogged with unsolicited emails.

Limited Memory AI

Limited memory AI technologies have capabilities beyond reactive machines and are widely used in AI applications today.

While limited memory artificial intelligence has many uses, as the name suggests, these AI techniques do have limited memory capabilities.

Limited memory AI is utilized in machine learning and uses past and new data to make predictions.

Limited memory AI examples include self driving cars.

Autonomous vehicles utilize deep learning algorithms produced by neural networks.

These help self driving cars recognize road signs, understand road markings, and detect other vehicles and pedestrians.

Self driving cars work by combining these deep learning algorithms with sensors that continually gather new data from the road surrounding autonomous vehicles.

The sensors will allow autonomous vehicles to adapt to their surroundings and adjust their speed by braking or accelerating.

Self driving cars have not yet reached a point where they are used on the road.

However, many modern vehicles already use AI techniques that incorporate neural networks.

These AI-powered features include parking assist, lane departure warning systems, and automatic emergency braking.

As many road traffic accidents are caused by human error, the increasing adoption of advanced driver assistance systems is already helping reduce collisions.

Theory of Mind AI

Theory of mind artificial intelligence is the next step in AI technologies.

However, this new era in artificial intelligence is still a way off.

Theory of mind artificial intelligence is the kind of advancement reminiscent of science fiction films and takes a psychological approach.

Theory of mind would see AI technologies progress to predict and understand human emotions well enough to develop their own brand of emotional intelligence.

With this insight into the human mind and emotions, artificial intelligence is capable of predicting human behavior and adjusting its own responses based on the human emotions it detects.

Self Aware AI

Self awareness in artificial intelligence would require a massive development in machine learning that AI researchers have not yet mastered.

Self aware AI would mean an AI program was aware of its own existence and had the capability to understand emotions displayed by a human being.

This level of consciousness would enable artificial intelligence to detect emotions and respond to the needs of human beings accordingly.

Machine Learning Vs. Deep Learning: Understanding the Difference

Machine Learning Vs. Deep Learning Understanding the Difference

Machine learning and deep learning are each fundamental components of AI technology but are often confused as the same thing.

Here’s what you need to know:

Machine Learning

Machine learning AI uses unsupervised and supervised learning to get progressively better at completing a task with every attempt.

AI systems that use a machine learning model do not need to be specifically programmed to complete the task.

Instead, machine learning uses historical data to discover how to achieve a better outcome with every attempt.

Deep Learning

Deep learning is a variety of machine learning which uses deep learning techniques to dive deeper into the machine learning model.

Using convolutional neural networks, deep learning operates in a similar way to the human brain.

Deep neural networks can analyze large amounts of unstructured data and learn from these to solve problems without the use of human experts.

Strong AI Vs. Weak AI

Not all AI is created equally, and as such, it is categorized as either weak AI or strong AI; here’s the difference:

Strong AI

Strong AI is also referred to as advanced AI and uses artificial general intelligence.

Interestingly, strong AI doesn’t exist right now and is the subject of much speculation.

Strong AI is potentially extremely powerful and the kind of AI seen in science fiction movies. Strong AI would have problem-solving capabilities similar to a human’s.

This may sound positive, but without any parameters in place to regulate AI, a lack of human intervention could prove dangerous.

Weak AI

Weak AI is often referred to as narrow AI and utilizes limited AI solutions.

Weak AI can be used to perform tasks commonly carried out by humans but on a basic level.

Examples of narrow AI include natural language processing and speech recognition, Alexa, and suggested purchases on e-commerce websites.

AI Pros and Cons

AI applications can deliver significant benefits, but there are pitfalls to be aware of; here are some of the pros and cons of artificial intelligence:

AI Pros:

Improved Efficiency

Implementing AI technology can significantly increase business productivity.

AI tools can help employees to work more efficiently and take care of monotonous tasks without human intervention.

Increased Security and Intelligence

AI convolutional neural networks are used in facial recognition technology, which plays a crucial role in improving security measures.

Medical Treatment Development

Deep learning algorithms, such as deep neural networks, can predict the behavior of molecules and proteins, thereby helping to identify effective treatments for some diseases.

Cons of AI:

No Guidance in Place

So far, there is no legislation or guidance in place to regulate AI use.

As AI algorithms become increasingly sophisticated, this lack of guidance means there are no boundaries in place to safeguard against unethical AI use.

Lack of Control

Some tasks may be deemed unsafe for artificial intelligence to complete and require human intervention.

How Can AI Benefit Your Business?

When it comes to artificial intelligence, there is no doubt it can benefit your business.

Research conducted by Deloitte shows 94% of business leaders believe AI is critical to success.

Whatever solutions your company needs, you can be sure there is artificial intelligence technology available to match.

Improve SEO

Attempting to optimize your website can be a time-consuming process, and unless you are an expert, it is a risky task to complete without help.

If you want to ensure your site is optimized to perfection, artificial intelligence can make it happen.

Using AI solutions can help your content rise up through the rankings and get the attention it deserves.

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Improve SEO

Enhance Customer Communication

Keeping your customers satisfied is essential for business success, but it is not easy.

If your inbox is overflowing, and you are struggling to keep up with customer communication, you need a time-saving solution to help.

Dealing with angry customer emails can be a drain on your time and energy, so why not enlist AI tools to help?

You can turn an angry customer into a satisfied one when using the Optimo Angry Email Reply tool.

Simply paste the email into the tool, and Optimo will generate a reply in seconds without you needing to do anything.

Enhance Customer Communication

Grow Social Media Presence

Everyone gets stuck for content ideas sometimes, and when you are trying to run a business and keep up with the million and one tasks on your to-do list, getting creative can be a challenge.

But wowing your followers and boosting engagement does not need to be time-consuming or complicated.

Instead, you can turn to AI to help. Can’t think of a caption?

Use the Optimo Instagram Captions tool to get five Instagram captions complete with suggested hashtags.

Need some insta reel inspiration?

Look no further than the Optimo Instagram Reel Generator.

Simply input your niche and/or chosen subject and receive Instagram reel ideas that your followers will love.

Take a look at the Optimo Instagram Reel Generator in action here:



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What Does the Future Hold for AI?

Self awareness AI and theory of mind AI may still seem a long way off, and it will be a long time before artificial intelligence can reliably detect human emotion and become self-aware.

In the future, artificial general intelligence may be able to operate on a level equal to human intelligence.

But already artificial intelligence is changing the way we live and work.

Striking a balance between using artificial intelligence to maximize efficiency without entirely replacing the human touch that makes it unique will ensure you retain your company’s values while staying ahead of your competitors.

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